10 Misconceptions About Dental Implants

Dental implants on a blue background

When you’re missing a tooth, there are a few different options your dentist is going to present to you when it comes to tooth replacement. If you are leaning towards moving forward with a dental implant for tooth replacement, you want to ensure you have all of the facts before committing, and for good reason too. Just the thought of a dental implant may send your dental anxiety into overdrive, but don’t let misinformation you may hear or read about implants keep you from restoring your smile.

Is a dental implant the right option for you?


Common Implant Misconceptions

Dental implants are the most effective, yet underused treatment option for tooth replacement. The top 10 misconceptions about dental implants we often here are:


Implants are more expensive than other tooth replacement options

TRUTH: The notion that implants are too expensive simply because their initial cost is high,      is very wrong. Implants may have a higher initial cost than other tooth replacement options, but they also last a significant amount of time longer than other tooth replacement options, meaning more upfront costs, but less time and money invested in maintaining as well.


Implants Don’t Last

TRUTH: The notion that implants last for just a few years is wrong and misleading information. Implants are designed to last as long as possible and can serve you for a lifetime without ever needing a replacement so long as you take good care of them.


Implants have a low success rate

TRUTH: The misconception that implants have a low success rate, or that you will experience negative side effects has deterred millions from getting them in America. Implants are made from titanium and ceramic which are chemically inert and will therefore not react with the anchoring tissue or bone, leaving them with no known side effects.


Implant surgery is painful

TRUTH: Implant dentistry is not as brutal as your mind may make it seem while your dentist is explaining the procedure. Yes, implants can be a little uncomfortable at first, but the procedure itself is painless and you will experience no discomfort at all during treatment. Local anesthesia is used to get you through the procedure, and your dentist will recommend pain medication if necessary for post-procedure.


Implants aren’t appropriate for patients with dental anxiety

TRUTH: While not every patient may be eligible for dental implants, a good number of people can get implants without any issues. So long as one is in good health and is missing a tooth, in general, they are a candidate for an implant.


Implants can’t be paired with dentures

TRUTH: Because a dental implant acts just as a natural tooth does, this means that a dental implant can be used as an anchor tooth for dentures and can be paired with other types of tooth replacement options for a perfect fit depending on the patient and their unique situation.


Caring for implants is difficult

TRUTH: Implants are not as fragile as you may initially think. They require very little maintenance and all it takes is just brushing and flossing your regular teeth to care for an implant. As an added bonus, an implant is not susceptible to tooth decay, cavities and other dental issues that your natural teeth are, so in some ways, they are even stronger than your natural teeth.


Implants will be noticeable in your smile

TRUTH: Implants will not only emulate the natural look of teeth but their functionality will be exactly the same as a natural tooth as well. If you’re worried about people being able to tell you have an implant, rest assured that your implant will look just as natural as the rest of your teeth and be undetectable.


Implants limit your diet

TRUTH: You can eat anything you would normally eat with dental implants, and they do not restrict your diet in any way. While in the healing and adjustment period after an implant procedure, you may experience discomfort in chewing, but this will go away soon and you can eat, chew, and bite into any type of food you’d like.


It takes too long to recover from implant surgery

TRUTH: After dental implants surgery, you will need a few months to get used to your new implant and your jawbone will also need to adjust to the new “foreign” object in it. While your mouth is adjusting and healing, you will be able to continue on with your usual life.

If you’re still unsure of whether a dental implant is the right option for you, make an appointment with Dr. David de Jongh and see how our Houston provider can help to restore your smile.


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